Wat zijn de nationaliteitsvoorwaarden voor de Schooltoeslag?

Om recht te kunnen hebben op de Schooltoeslag moet je kind voldoen aan de nationaliteits- of verblijfsvoorwaarde. 

Let op: De Schooltoeslag wordt berekend op basis van je situatie op 31 augustus, vlak voor de start van het schooljaar. Je moet dus aan de nationaliteitsvoorwaarde voldoen op 31 augustus.

  • Heeft je kind de Belgische nationaliteit?

Dan voldoet je kind meteen aan de nationaliteitsvoorwaarde.

  • Heeft je kind niet de Belgische nationaliteit?

Dan kan er onder bepaalde voorwaarden ook recht zijn op de Schooltoeslag. Het kind moet een geldig verblijfsrecht voor minstens 3 maanden hebben. Een niet-begeleide minderjarige vreemdeling (NBMV) dient een attest van Immatriculatie en een attest van de dienst voogdij te bezorgen.

NB: Voor jongeren die niet in België wonen, maar naar een door de Vlaamse Gemeenschap erkende Nederlandstalige school in Vlaanderen of Brussel gaan, geldt de nationaliteitsvoorwaarde niet.


See our frequently asked questions

In the majority of cases, KidsLife pays the Study Allowance, also known as School Allowance, to the parent(s), beneficiaries or benefit recipient.
Adult children who are in secondary education and are married, independent or single, receive the Study Allowance themselves.

KidsLife receives all the necessary information from the Flemish Government. We automatically pay the School Allowance or Selective Participation Allowance (SEPAR) based on this information. The timing of your Study Allowance payment therefore depends on several factors. Study Allowance payments are made from the end of August until December. 

The payment of your School Allowance is dependent on the completeness of the information we receive from the Flemish Government

Please note: No application is necessary! Already receiving your Child Benefit or Growth Package from KidsLife? We ensure that all families with an entitlement to the School Allowance receive this automatically. Handy, right?

We make a distinction between nursery/primary and secondary education. For the latter category, you can retain your Study Allowance entitlement until the year in which the student turns 22. There is no age restriction for BuSO (special-needs secondary education) and HBO5 Nursing. 

You must request the Study Allowance or Education Allowance in Higher Education from the Flemish Government.


The School Bonus is a school premium (or education allowance) for all families with children and is automatically paid by KidsLife in August, together with your Child Benefit for the month of July.

The Study Allowance is a supplementary amount for low-income families. KidsLife automatically pays this before the end of the year to all families who are entitled to it.

KidsLife makes things easy by automatically paying the Study Allowance at the end of the year.

You can submit an application:

  • If you live in Brussels or Wallonia and your child is attending a recognised Flemish school. Contact us and and we’ll investigate your  Study Allowance entitlement.